Friday, April 16, 2010

Pregnancy After Leep And Cone Biopsy


The ambiguity is that contagious disease that affects those who are afraid to say what they think, who would want things to be different but does not want to get involved in situations too difficult or who prefer to avoid confrontation and just to tell a lie avoid outbursts of anger or disapproval.

E 'an attitude, a way of communicating with others. It 's a choice.

E 'so widespread that some call "diplomacy."

When we are dealing with someone who has chosen this path, we are inevitably a bit 'confused, perplexed, unsure. We begin to ask if we are doing or saying the right thing, if we have perhaps unintentionally hurt someone standing in front. We begin to feel uncomfortable and inadequate. We wonder if we really understood what it meant.

I learned long ago that in front of people infected with this virus, the best treatment and quarantine, as long as the effect of the virus disappears and the person is still able to formulate thoughts clear, distinct and intelligible.

Sometimes people remain in quarantine for ever, sometimes they come back. But they live much better.


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